- Available in: Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, Print
- Pages: 330
- Published: July 12, 2024
The plan was as blunt as the tactics were brutal.
The line of war elephants scattered the lightly armored Velites. In retreat, the skirmishers filtered through the Legion ranks. Not that it made a difference, but the First Maniple wore heavier armor and grasped bigger shields. But like the Velites, the Legionaries were no match for the enormous beasts. Tusks capped with bronze tips swung left and right, defining the width of destruction expected by each Century.
Archers on the backs of the animals launched arrows into the Legion ranks. Legionaries fell from the arrows, were pulled back and off their combat lines. Those were the lucky ones.
“Do you know what they call the stuff between elephant’s toes,” a veteran NCO shouted.
“No. Optio. What do they call the stuff between elephant’s toes?” his eighty heavy infantrymen called back.
“Slow Legionaries,” the NCO replied. “Stand by to repel elephants.”
As insane as the order sounded, the infantryman responded, “Standing by to repel elephants, Optio.”
Behind the herd of elephants, a horde of Hannibal Barca’s best light infantrymen kept pace. Modest in its simplicity, the plan was devised for one outcome. Ram through with the elephants, followed quickly by the light infantry, who would maintain avenues through the Legion lines. Next up, the heavies infiltrated the broken lines, adding their spears and shields to the melee. Discipline would breakdown, Legionaries would panic, and victory would go to the killers of the African Corps.
With the Roman Legions across the field from the Carthaginian army, General Cornelius Scipio, and General Hannibal Barca would finally match wits. God-like in their commands with conquests by the hundreds, they were far above any contemporaries. Except perhaps for the General across the contested landscape.
And so, as the ancients warned, “When war gods battle, mortals die.
Welcome to 202 B.C.